Pantani Prints

Pantani Prints

This carefully curated selection of prints is taken from those featured in our book Pantani was a god by Marco Pastonesi. Whatever your thoughts are on il pirata, his remarkable riding feats are only part of it his shaved head, the earring, that bandana – Pantani is one of the most iconic riders ever to have raced a bike.

This poster book displays one of Italy’s most celebrated cyclists in technicolour glory, across sixteen 250gsm prints all ready to be framed and displayed in pride of place. Each image has been retouched and rendered to be reminiscent of the many hours spent feverishly viewing cycling on the television during the era Pantani raced in.

The 345 x 250mm posters are printed on 250 gsm Creator paper renowned for its velvety feel and its silk finish without unwanted reflections, whilst preserving colour rendering and richness. With high whiteness and good ink gloss, this Creator paper offers outstanding photographic printing results and excellent dot definition.

Graphic overlay on each image and an added gloss spot varnish over the image for vibrancy. Images of riders like Marco Pantani are made to be hanging on the wall.

Guy Andrews